The Crabtree Foundation does not solicit nor accept donations from non-family members. Instead, it relies solely on income from its endowment, the capital of which has been provided by members of the Crabtree Family.
In 2019, the Crabtree Foundation gave a total of $2,779,725 in grants to 66 different organizations:
Ability New Brunswick $50,000
ALS Ottawa $20,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa $25,000
Bird Studies Canada $50,000
Boundless School, The $25,000
Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa $30,000
Boys & Girls Club of Saint John $25,000
C.D. Howe Institute $50,000
Canadian Cancer Society NB $20,000
Canadian Centre for Men & Families $24,000
Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind $50,000
Caring & Sharing Exchange $10,000
Carleton University $250,000
Carling Community Health Centre $35,000
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority $25,000
Centre for the Study of Living Standards $45,000
CHEO YouthNet $50,000
Children's Treatment Centre Cornwall $15,000
CNIB $25,000
Citizen Advocacy $20,000
Community Laundry Coop $25,000
DeafBlind Ontario $25,000
Diabetes Canada $25,000
Ducks Unlimited $55,000
Excellence in Literacy Foundation $40,000
Fraser Institute $25,000
Frontier College $25,000
Giant Steps $20,000
Hope Air $25,000
Hospice Care Ottawa $25,000
iSisters $10,000
L'Arche Cape Breton Society $10,000
Learning Disabilities Assoc. of Ottawa $10,000
MacDonald-Laurier Institute $45,000
MainLine Theatre $40,000
MASC $25,000
McGill University $500,000
National Arts Centre $5,000
National Youth Orchestra $2,000
New Brunswick Assoc. for Community Living $30,000
Odyssey Theatre $8,000
Operation Come Home $20,000
Orkidstra $40,000
Ottawa Chamber Music Society, The $40,000
Ottawa Children's Festival $20,000
Ottawa Choral Society $15,000
Ottawa Heart Institute (uOttawa) $100,000
Ottawa Humane Society $31,225
Ottawa Mission $100,000
Ottawa Rotary Home Foundation $10,000
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra $35,000
Pathways to Education $50,000
Propeller Dance $35,000
Roots of Empathy $6,000
Saint John Theatre Company $25,000
Salus Ottawa $21,000
Science East $60,000
Serenity Renewal for Families $20,000
Trinity Anglican Church $50,000
United Way Saint John $100,000
uOttawa Math Camp $2,500
YMCA Ottawa $50,000
YMCA Saint John $120,000
Youth of Manotick Association $10,000